Time Magazine
Health Fad of the Week: Kids Are Doing Juice Cleanses Now, Too
Huffington Post
Organization Matters: Organize Your Life and Your Business Around You
Stedman Graham Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur
Economic Times
Radhika Mukerji and Amar Pandit's Happydemic has a Musical Formula for Successful Businesses
The NonProfit Times
The Unconscious Donor: Getting People To React
TRT World
$2 Million for a Copy: Inside the Crazy World of Vintage Comic Books
Big Think
Understand The Psychology of Supermarkets
The Herald
Entrepreneur takes a serious approach to the gaming business
Inc. Magazine
Top 10 Marketing Books of 2014
Book Authority
25 Best Branding Books of All Time
Global Gurus
World’s Top 30 Brand Professionals for 2018
Speaker SXSW 2015
Humans Not Consumers
Chicago Tribune
Hillary Hate Skin Deep
Transworld Business
Executive VP Of Deutsch LA Douglas Van Praet On Unconscious Branding
Neuromarketing World Forum
Keynote Speaker
The Telegraph UK
'Neuromarketing': can science predict what we'll buy?
The Psychology Behind the $500,000 Handbag
Unreliable relationships can be more powerful than trustworthy ones.
Our Brains Divulge Our Decisions Before We Even Know Them
Recent research explores how non-conscious activity precedes personal choice.
The Paradox of Information: More Data Is Making Us Dumber
Your smartphone might actually be making you stupid.
Is The Internet Making Us Racist?
New research reveals a surprising consequence of life online.
Why Image Is Everything
Recent research reveals that image and emotion beat fact and logic.
How Marketers Manipulate You Into Becoming Their Friend
Shocking research reveals why you like people (and companies) that deceive you.
Why Feelings Will Always Beat Facts
New research reveals what really influences us (and it's not what we think).
Empathy Is Not a Choice
Why we shouldn’t blame Millennials for being selfish.
How Your Brain Forces You to Watch Ads
…and how you can learn to ignore them.
Why Email Is Only 7 Percent as Effective as Talking
... and 4 ways to make it better.
An Open Letter to Advertisers — We Are Not Your “Consumers”
Consumers are not in control. Advertising is out of control.
7 Unconscious Errors We Make When Buying Brands
Our purchase decisions can be highly irrational and costly.
How Advertising Infects Your Children’s Minds (And Yours)
Contagious ad memes will spread unless you become aware of what drives them.
How We Convince Ourselves to Buy Products We Don't Need
Are you unconsciously seeking permission to spend more money on brand new stuff?
The Most Powerful Weapon of Influence In Human History
How to gain back control of your decisions and your future.
How the Media Manipulates You Without Your Knowing
Unconscious tactics guaranteed to win you over (and how you can use them too).
Unconscious Branding
Elucidating the unconscious mind helps marketers help consumers.
The Distraction of Data: How Brand Research Misses The Real Reasons Why People Buy
In the latest in his series on neuroscience and marketing, Douglas Van Praet discusses why traditional research on “brand awareness” misses what really drives a buy, and the power of positive and negative associations in moving markets.
The End of Rational Vs. Emotional: How Both Logic and Feeling Play Key Roles In Marketing And Decision Making
Douglas Van Praet argues that while decision making is governed by our emotions, brands should still provide people with a logical lifeline (but they should steer clear of research that lets the post-rationalizing tail wag the emotional dog).
The Myth of Marketing: How Research Reaches for The Heart But Only Connects with The Head
Douglas Van Praet discusses the importance of emotion in decision making (and everything else) and how his agency’s blockbuster “The Force” may not have made it through the traditional research process.
We’re Marketers, Not Soldiers: How Combative Competition Is Killing Creativity
Douglas Van Praet argues marketers should focus less on conquest and more on unleashing the imagination of creators and customers.
I’m Not Your Consumer: How Research Misses The Human Behind The Demographic
Deutsch’s Douglas Van Praet discusses how focus-group feedback, and the whole notion of the consumer, are misguided and how research should focus on understanding the unconscious and improving human lives.
Research—You’re Doing It Wrong. How Uncovering The Unconscious Is Key to Creativity
If you think consumers are telling you what they want in traditional research, you’re wrong. Deutsch’s Douglas Van Praet argues that marketers must look to unconscious behavior for real creative breakthroughs.