We Offer Three Keynotes:
Unconscious Branding: The Seven Steps to Behavior Change
Triggered: Why Content Goes Viral
Corporate Strategic Responsibility: Solving Brand and World Problems
Unconscious Branding Keynote:
How Neuroscience Can EmpoweR (and INSPIRE) Marketing
”Doug Van Praet's opening discussion was unbelievably helpful. I would have listened to him all morning. Very helpful for defining strategies for both emerging brands and established ones.” - Attendee, Business Development Summit
“The keynote from Douglas Van Praet was phenomenal. Our team felt that his talk was worth the price of admission. We could have left after that and been completely satisfied with the conference. You’ve hit it out of the park with taking the marketing conversation to a higher level.” - Attendee, Real Estate Management Investment Company Annual Conference
If you are interested in a workshop or keynote at your next engagement, please fill out the form below or email us at Info@intentla.com.
Doug speaking at Nike’s Hurley division.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower (and Inspire) MarketinG click here.
Poolside reading at its best.